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ERP Profile 조회 SQL

SELECT a.profile_option_id, — b.action_type, b.action_date, c.user_profile_option_name profile_name, b.profile_option_value profile_value, DECODE(b.level_id, 10001,’Site’, 10002, ‘Application’, 10003, ‘Responsibility’, ‘User’) level_name, DECODE(b.level_id, 10001, ‘조회 Site(ERP)’, 10002, d.application_name, 10003, f.responsibility_name, 10004, g.user_name, b.level_value ) level_value, b.last_update_date update_date FROM fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_option_values b, fnd_profile_options_tl c, fnd_application_tl d, fnd_responsibility_tl f, fnd_user g WHERE a.profile_option_id = b.profile_option_id AND DECODE(b.level_id, 10002, b.level_value ) = d.application_id(+) AND DECODE(b.level_id, 10003, b.level_value ) = f.responsibility_id(+) AND DECODE(b.level_id, 10004, b.level_value ) = g.user_id(+) AND a.profile_option_name = c.profile_option_name ORDER BY profile_name, level_name;

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