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작성자 사진Dongkug Lee

tools tablespace 의 datafile을 다른 걸로 바꾸고 싶을 때

tools tablespace 의 datafile을 다른 걸로 바꾸고 싶을 때

1.db 내린다.

2. dd if=원래이름 of=output filename 명령어로 logical volume copy

dd if=/dev/vgops1/rlvolx22 of=/dev/vgops1/rlvoltls 서로 사이즈가 다르면 dd로 할 수 없다

3. database mount 한다. alter database mount;

4. datafile rename한다. alter database rename file ‘/dev/vgops1/rlvolx22’ to ‘/dev/vgops1/rlvoltls’;

5. database open 한다. alter database open;

6. dba_data_files 옮겼나 확인.

THE DATABASE FILES TO THE SHARED VOLUMES The database should be shutdown prior to copying the files. Copy all the database files to the shared volumes using the OS copy utility. On Solaris, you can use the dd command to copy the data files. For example: prompt> dd if=ont_idx1.dbf of=/dev/vx/rdsk/apps1opsdg/vol25 bs=64k prompt> dd if=mrp_data1.dbf of=/dev/vx/rdsk/apps1opsdg/vol26 bs=64k

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