ORACLE 또는 SAP의 LOV(List of Value) 또는 사용자 및 사용자 권한을 ERP나 Package로 Loading하기 위한 방법 중 하나로 Data Load라는 Tool을 사용합니다.
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DataLoad Commands
A DataLoad command is essentially an alias representing special processing. There are two types of command, although this is not necessarily apparent to the DataLoad user. The majority of commands act as a user friendly alias for the normal data or keystrokes that can be entered into a cell and these are discussed immediately below. However a number of specialised built-in commands are also available and these are discussed at the bottom of this page.
A command is typically used to hide complex keystrokes behind a more user friendly command name. For instance, to “Save & Proceed” in Oracle Applications 11i the following keystroke combination is required:
Attempting to enter those keystrokes every time a Save & Proceed is required will make the DataLoad spreadsheet more unreadable and therefore harder to understand and maintain, and the likelihood of mistakes also increases. A much better approach is to register those keystrokes under a user friendly command name. The Save & Proceed keystrokes are normally defined as *SP. This means that the command can be used multiple times in one load but it is only defined in one place. If the keystrokes required to Save & Proceed must be changed the definition of *SP can be changed once rather than every time the command is used in a sheet.
Prior to V4.1 all DataLoad commands were hard coded into the software and no changes could be made to command definitions. As of V4.1 commands can be edited, added or deleted. The default commands are maintained in the file “commands.dat”, which must be located in the same directory as dataload.exe. Command definitions are also stored in the DataLoad spreadsheet files. This makes the spreadsheets portable and any special commands you have created for a your load will still work as you designed them when used on another PC.
V4.1 also introduced the concept of command groups. For every DataLoad command there can be a number of different definitions, each belonging to a different group. Different definitions are required where a load may be used with multiple applications that have different access paths to the same functionality. For instance, to Save & Proceed in Oracle Applications 11.0 the following keystrokes are required:
Because this is different to the 11i definition we will want to define *SP differently in each command group, thus allowing the same command to be used to load data into different applications but with different keystrokes resulting. A command group must be selected from the drop down list on the main DataLoad form before a load can commence.
The following table lists the standard DataLoad commands available and the effects of using those commands.
DataLoad Command
Application Action(s) TAB<Tab>ENT<Enter>*UP<Up Arrow>*DN<Down Arrow>*LT<Left Arrow>*RT<Right Arrow>*SPSave & Proceed*FEField Editor*PBPrevious Block*NBNext Block*PFPrevious Field*NFNext Field*PRPrevious Record*NRNext Record*ERErase Record*DRDelete Record*FRFirst Record*LRLast Record*SAVESave Record*SBSend a single space character*STSelect entire field text.*SLN or *SL(N)Pause for N seconds. Note 1*BMBlock Menu*AXAlt + X where X is a single letter (A-Z). Note 2*FIFind +*FAFind All +*QEQuery Enter +*QRQuery Run +*CLClear Field +*IRInsert record +*CW(window)Change to window window. +*ML(coordinates)Position the mouse at coordinates and press the left button. ++*MR(coordinates)Position the mouse at coordinates and press the right button. ++
+ DataLoad V4.0.2 and above only.
++ DataLoad V4.1 and above only.
Note 1 DataLoad can send keystrokes to applications faster than they can be processed. If this problem is encountered delays can be added to the load which will pause DataLoad at key times. The *SLN command can be added to the spreadsheet to indicate DataLoad should ‘sleep’ for a given number of seconds. E.g. ‘*SL5’ will cause a delay in processing for 5 seconds. Decimal numbers can be used for more precise delays, E.g. *SL0.5 will result in a half second delay. A large number of predefined delays are available in DataLoad and these, along with *SL, are described in greater detail in Using delays. To reduce setup work, predefined delays should be used instead of *SL wherever possible.
Note 2 In Oracle Applications it is sometimes necessary to press a button to navigate to another block. This can be achieved by pressing <Alt-X>, where X is the letter that is underlined on the button. Any menu item can also be invoked by pressing <Alt> + the letter underlined on the menu.
The following commands are built-in to DataLoad and cannot be edited or replaced in the commands form.
(Case Sensitive)
Application Action(s) *CW(window)Make window the new target window for DataLoad.*SLN or *SL(N)Sleep for N seconds.*ML(coordinates)Position the mouse at coordinates and press the left button.*MR(coordinates)Position the mouse at coordinates and press the right button.*DL(coordinates)Position the mouse at coordinates and double click the left button.PROMPT(message)Prompt the user with message and wait for a response.
*DL() & PROMPT() are not available in DataLoad Classic.
*CW allows you to switch between different windows and load data into all of them. This command is useful when it is not possible to change windows by any other means, but also has good uses even when this is not the case. It is often possible to change the active window through the application, for instance navigating to the next block in Oracle Applications sometimes causes the focus to move to another window. Despite this it is often faster to change to the new window by calling *CW rather than allowing the application to make the change, and this not only results in faster loads but reduces errors as well.
*SL causes DataLoad to ‘sleep’ for the specified number of seconds and is an important command for controlling the rate at which DataLoad progresses. This command is described in more detail in Cell Delays.
*ML, *MR & *DL. These commands will cause a left (*ML) or right (*MR) mouse click or a double click (*DL) to occur at the point on the screen specified in the coordinates parameter. These commands can be very important and have a number of uses. First, they are essential for accessing any application functionality for which no keyboard shortcut exists. Where a button, for example, cannot be accessed using a keyboard shortcut a mouse click must be used. The mouse is also very useful for improving the speed and accuracy of navigation within the application during a load. It is often much quicker to move the cursor using the mouse than by issuing the necessary keystrokes. This may apply whether the cursor is just moving between blocks in a form or between different windows.
The coordinates parameter is the X and Y screen positions where the click should occur. Since there is no way a user can know what these coordinates are DataLoad has a method for automatically inserting the coordinates into the command. When the user enters *ML, *MR or *DL in a cell a dialog box is shown prompting the user to position the mouse where the click should occur. This dialog box should not be dismissed yet because doing so indicates to DataLoad that the mouse is in the correct position for the click. When the mouse is in the location where the click should occur the user should then press Enter. This will dismiss the dialog box and insert the screen coordinates into the *ML or *MR command. Those coordinates can be manually entered into further cells where this same click should occur, or the dialog box can be displayed again by entering *ML, *MR or *DL.
The mouse clicks work very well to make functionality available for which no keyboard shortcuts exist, or to improve cursor navigation during a load. This command is only suitable, however, where the item to be clicked will always be in the same location. Since Oracle Applications’ forms are always drawn in the same position this should not be a problem, however it is important that the forms are left in their default positions while the load is being developed and the mouse click commands programmed.
PROMPT(message) It is sometimes necessary to pause a load while the user performs some action. That can be achieved using the PROMPT(message) command. For example, the following could be entered in a DataLoad cell:
PROMPT(Enter the password then click OK to continue)
That will cause DataLoad to pause the load and display the message “Enter the password then click OK to continue” to the user. The load will remain inactive until the user clicks the message’s OK button. DataLoad will then re-activate the last window that data was being sent to and continue with the load.